Church History

Here you will find a few select articles concerning the doctrine of God, His presence and personality, the Godhead, and the Trinity in the early Christian church, the church of the wilderness in the dark ages, the Seventh-day Adventist Church, as well as many of the modern church's today.

Faith of Our Fathers

By David Sims

The Early Church Teachings About God
A summary of the untold story of God's true Church in the Dark Ages - What they believed on the most fundamental doctrines.

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Trinitarian Churches' Teachings Concerning the Personality of God

By David Sims

Modern Churches' Teachings
The shocking facts that nearly all the modern denominations deny the existence of a personal God with a body.

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Alpha Our Religion Changed

By David Sims

Early SDA Church Teachings About God
How a doctor and his pantheistic views changed our religion.

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Pioneer Writings on the Presence and Personality of God

Early SDA Church Teachings About God
Why did the founding fathers of the SDA Church consider this a foundation pillar. Read their writings.

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The Living Voice of the Lord's Witnesses

Early SDA Church Teachings About God
A compilation of the Pioneer Writings on the most important topic of the Godheard.

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Research Articles


Liberty Lookout
Read Here