
*Please check back on this page as it is still in the process of being constructed.
For more hymn videos please visit our Youtube account.
Note: The music used in the hymn videos is available for download below.
Music for your Enjoyment!
The music below represents the work of over 6 years of my life (2005-2011). They are the result of a desire I had many years ago to provide hymns and music for those who are alone, and are unable to play music of their own.
These audio recordings are digital .mp3 recordings done on my midi synthesizer (save where otherwise noted). I have uploaded them for your use and enjoyment.
The pipe organ used to play them is a virtual pipe organ I designed and put together during a one year period from 2009-2010. The other instruments are the result of hunting around for the very best sound fonts to use. I hope you enjoy them. If so, please feel free to share them with others. You may download and copy them at no cost. If you find them a blessing, and wish to donate, you may do so by clicking on the "donations" link on the menu. Thank you, and may the Lord bless you.
Thomas Akens
A Mighty Fortress Is Our God (Pipe organ
All Things Bright and Beautiful (Pipe organ)
All to Jesus I Surrender (Pipe Organ)
Awake Commandeth the Voice! (Ensemble)
Be Thou My Vision (Pipe organ)
Blessed Assurance (Pipe organ)
Blessed Be the Tie That Binds (Pipe organ)
Break Forth O Beautious Heavenly Light (Pipe organ)
Christ Our Lord is Risen (Pipe organ)
Come Thou Long Expected Jesus (Pipe organ)
Crown Him with Many Crowns (Pipe organ)
Don't Forget the Sabbath (Pipe organ)
Gleams of the Golden Morning (Pipe organ)
Gleams of the Golden Morning (dif. pipes) (Pipe organ)
Glorious Things of Thee Are Spoken (Pipe organ)
God Is My Strong Salvation (Pipe organ)
God of Our Fathers (Pipe organ)
How Great Thou Art (Pipe organ)
How Great Thou Art (dif. pipes) (Pipe organ)
How Tedious & Tasteless the Hours (Pipe organ)
How Tedious and Tasteless the Hours (dif. pipes) (Pipe organ)
I Come to the Garden Alone (Pipe organ)
I Must Tell Jesus (Pipe organ)
It Is Well with My Soul (Pipe organ)
Jesus, Lover of My Soul (I on the clarinet - Recorded while in Austrialia on a missionary trip)
Jesus, Priceless Treasure (Pipe organ)
Let the Lower Lights Be Burning (Pipe organ)
Long upon the Mountains (Pipe organ)
Lord of the Sabbath (Pipe organ)
My Faith Looks up to Thee (Pipe organ)
My Jesus I love Thee (Pipe organ)
O Day of Rest & Gladness (alternate harmony) (Pipe organ)
O Sacred Head Now Wounded (Pipe organ)
O Worship the King (Pipe organ)
Once to Every Man & Nation (Pipe organ)
Savior Like a Shepherd Lead Us (Pipe organ)
Some Day the Silver Cord Will Break (Flute & Harp)
Sweet Hour of Prayer (Pipe organ)
Take Time to be Holy (Ensemble)
The Lord Is in His Holy Temple (Ensemble)
The Lord's Prayer (Harpsichord & Bassoon)
The Lord's Prayer (Pipe organ)
The Spacious Firmament on High (Ensemble)
Together Let Us Sweetly Live (Woodwinds)
When I Survey the Wondrous Cross (Ensemble)
When I Survey the Wondrous Cross (alt. harmony) (Pipe organ)
-Non Hymn Music-
A Day at the Fair by Thomas Akens (Brass)
Keyboard Invention - Theme, Variation & Counterpoint by Thomas Akens (Harpsichord)
Pickled Pomp by Thomas Akens (Woodwinds & Brass)