Bible Studies
Bible Study Guides for 1872 & 1889 Fundamental Principles of Seventh Day Adventists
Studies on the Godhead by Pastor David Sims
- The Son of God - Upon This Rock (slides only)
- Lessons from Adam and Eve (slides only)
- Abiding in Christ (or the Holy Spirit and the Word) (slides only)
- Who is the Comforter, the Holy Spirit? - John 14 (slides only)
- How Many Divine Beings (slides only)
- 1 John 5:7
- The Personality of God- Does God have a Body or Form (slides only)
Spirit of Prophecy Seeming Contradictions on the Godhead by Pastor David Sims
- "Father, Son and Holy Spirit Gave Themselves..."
The Office of the Holy Spirit (slides only) (Who is the "third person"?)
Booklets on the Godhead by Pastor David Sims
- Bible Studies to do at Home (on the Godhead and other subjects)
- Spirit of Prophecy Supplement to BSTDH
- Office of Holy Spirit
The doctrine of the Godhead in the history of the church
See also Videos on the Godhead from the Video Page
Nature of Sin and of Christ
by Pastor David Sims
Original Sin and the Triune Atonement (booklet)
- Justification and Sanctification
- Lessons on Salvation from the Farmer
Studies, Booklets and Links on the Nature of Sin by Other Authors
- In Christ's Motif by Angel Manuel RodrÃguez - Biblical Research institute of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists
- What is Sin? Are We Born Sinners? by Shema Publishers
- Excerpts from "The Word was Made Flesh" by Ralph Larson compiled by Randal Hess. Randall answers the questions, "did Christ have a "sinful" nature", and "Can a person have the suggestions and promptings of sin, can he have a sinful nature, yet not be guilty of sin?" What did Ellen White teach about this subject?
- Clicking on this link will take you to"The Word was Made Flesh" - a website with studies on the nature of sin, of man and of christ by Robert Burness
History and Teachings of the Holy Flesh Movement in Indiana in 1898 - Ellen White warned us not to receive one thread of its fabric.
- The Holy Flesh Movement by W. Grotheer
- What I Taught in Indiana by R.S. Donell (The Leader in the Holy flesh Movement in Indiana at that Time)
See also Videos on the Nature of Sin from the Video Page
The Word of God