
Free PDF Books

The Office of Holy Spirit New! Edited - March, 2020!

The Office of Holy Spirit

By David Sims

"It is all-essential for the Christian to understand the meaning of the promise of the Holy Spirit just prior to the coming of our Lord Jesus the second time. Talk of it, pray for it, preach concerning it;" {HM, November 1, 1893 par. 26} This book sheds a whole new light on the subject of the Holy Spirit

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The Office of Holy Spirit New! Edited - March, 2020

The Office of Holy Spirit - cover 2

By David Sims

"It is all-essential for the Christian to understand the meaning of the promise of the Holy Spirit just prior to the coming of our Lord Jesus the second time. Talk of it, pray for it, preach concerning it;" {HM, November 1, 1893 par. 26} This book sheds a whole new light on the subject of the Holy Spirit

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Original Sin and the Triune Atonement

Original Sin and the Triune Atonement

By David Sims

In this book you will discover the subject of the atonement with its various phases in a whole new light. The subject of sin, and God's solution for it will take on a whole new meaning.

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When Eating Flesh Becomes Sin

When Eating Flesh Becomes Sin

By David Sims

For those who believe in a loving God that intervenes in human affairs, it is only reasonable to conclude that He knows and has revealed to us what is the most healthful diet, emotionally, mentally, and physically. Consider the effect that killing an animal has on the character, and emotional make-up. Consider the effect eating flesh has on the physical health and thus, also on the mental clarity, in the light of modern medical science (eg: The China Study). Why then has God allowed eating flesh at various times in the Bible? Does He still permit it today by those who desire to follow His revealed will. These questions and more are addressed in this new thought provoking booklet. Click here to download

Bible Studies to do at home

By David Sims

Bible Studies to do at Home
In John 17:3 Jesus said, "And this is life eternal, that they might know thee . . ." But how can we know God? This little book is written to explore that most wonderful of subjects - What God has revealed about Himself in His Word.
Nestled within its pages you will find a series of short and easy to read Bible studies introducing this most vital subject.
Dear reader, it is not only our obligation to know God, it is our privilege. Think of it, the great God of this vast universe wants a personal relationship with you!

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Spirit of Prophecy Supplement to Bible Studies to do at home

By David Sims

The Living Voice of the Lord's Witnesses

Early SDA Church Teachings About God
A compilation of the Pioneer Writings on the most important topic of the Godheard.

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Questions on the Sealing Message
By John Norton Loughborough

Questions on the Sealing Message

A short little booklet written for the purpose of helping Seventh Day Adventists to understand the basis of "The Sealing Message" as taught by our early Pioneers. A well documented and enjoyable read for all who want to know and understand the reason of the hope that lay in the breasts of our Advent forefathers.

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Six Sermons on The Immortality of the Soul
By George Storrs

Six Sermons

A series of six sermons based upon the Bible and history, given by a prominent Methodist minister of the 19th century. A powerful presentation of this very important topic. Yet another testimony to the fact that those who study the Bible will find the truth.

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God's Ministry
By Thomas Akens

Six Sermons

A short booklet which shows from Scripture what the word "ministry" really means from a different perspective.

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Our English Bible - Part 5

Our English Bible - Part 1


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Visions of Daniel

To access detailed slide presentations on the visions given by God in Daniel 2 & Daniel 7, click here.

These slides hold excellent information for every prophecy student!

Bible Studies

No. 1. The Sacred Scriptures

No. 2. Searching the Scriptures


Gods Best Gifts

God's Best Gifts

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For high resolution (Printable) A4 page size click here

For high resolution (Printable) A4 Christmas edition click here



Identifying Soil Mixture