November 1, 2013
Brazil Mission Report
Seventh Day Home Church Fellowships has helped fund a missionary trip to Brazil. On October 30th Elder Elvis Alberto and brother Morgan Polsky met in Brazil to work together with the brethren there. The following is a report from brother Morgan Polsky.
Br. Elvis and I have been traveling together throughout different regions of Brazil for the past 5 weeks. There is a great need for an education center, for there are many believers in the present truth message. There are many young believers who are desiring to do the work, and to learn in the school of Christ. We have many things to learn and many, many things to unlearn. But who is sufficient for these things. I thank our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
We have been teaching many different reforms including, country living, dress reform, dietary reform, doctrinal reform, Sabbath reform, and overall lifestyle reform.
God has blessed in the efforts as humble souls are desiring to be God’s peculiar people, to be different from the world. There is a lot of work to do in many different lines, however, God is faithful to finish the work in which HE started.