February 2015 | A Publication of Seventh Day Home Church Fellowships | Vol 06 - Issue 01 |
Peruvian-Russian Potato Salad![]()
Cut the vegetables, including the avocado into squares suitable for a potato salad and place them in a bowl with the peas and mayonaise. Mix in the mayonaise evenly. Ready to eat with fresh lettuce and olives!
Christ in You How does Christ dwell in the believer? Pastor David Sims explains his understanding on this important subject. A Missionary's Story Missionary Stefan Fred Skucy shares his experience on witnessing to souls in Las Vegas. Missions Appeal Read about the upcoming missionary projects and their needs in Peru and other places! Are You A Legalist? Is the true message of Seventh-Day Adventism legalism? Many claim that it is and even some within the circles of Adventism. This article seeks to examine and answer this question. The 8 Laws of Health in the Bible Have you ever wondered were we find the principles for the 8 laws of health in the Bible? This study seeks to find out. Think on These Things Of late there has been much talk about having a relationship with God versus having a relationship with the law. God and his law are placed opposing each other. But what does the Bible say about the law? Is the law the enemy of God? Recipe Peruvian-Russian Potato salad! Seventh Day Home Church Fellowships is an association of Sabbath-keeping groups, which through web & tele-conferencing provides means for study, fellowship, and jointly organized missionary projects. Website: www.seventhdayhomechurchfellowships.orgEmail: admin@seventhdayhomechurchfellowships.orgSeventh Day Home Church Fellowships: P.O. Box 262, Laconia, NH 03246, U.S.A. Phone: 530 708-2381Chief Editor: David SimsAssistant Editor: Thomas AkensProof-reader: Alice FredrickLayout: Thomas Akens |