the 8 Laws of Health in the Bible
Part I
Have you ever wondered where the principles behind the
eight laws of health came from? For those who may not be familiar
with the 8 laws of health, they are the following: Nutrition,
Exercise, Water, Sunshine, Temperance, Air, Rest, Trust in Divine
Power. Are these just man made rules or opinions? I believe that
God was the one who revealed these principles to his people in these
last days because he knew that disease and decay would increase
manifold. If this is so, then we can logically reason that the eight
laws of health should be found in the Bible. And not just anywhere in
the Bible, but in the very beginning, in Genesis, which is the book
of origins. This book holds fundamental truths upon which everything
else regarding humanity and salvation lies upon.
In the scene of creation, it makes sense that God would
instruct his creatures of their purpose and design and how they are
to take care of themselves. In other words, we can logically predict
that God gave to man an “instruction manual” to instruct
him on how to live a healthy life. Let us find the principles behind
each law of health that we have listed above.
Before sin, God instructed what man should eat, Genesis
1:29: Grains, seeds,
fruits, nuts.
After sin God made an addition to man’s diet Genesis
Vegetables. Let us make a note here, the food which God
gives us does not come in plastic packages, or scrambled up in some
fancy concoction. There is no such a thing as a tree that grows
veggie-meats, or gluten steaks. Fruits and vegetables should be eaten
in their natural state as much as possible, meaning fresh and raw.
Grains should not be refined or bleached, but whole when made into
flour or cereals. The best rule for a healthy diet is to eat as
natural as possible and to follow the diet which was given to us
after sin entered the world. Avoid highly processed foods altogether,
if possible. Aim to eat between 50 % to 80 % raw, depending upon the
availability of produce. Living foods are what keeps us alive.
Another important point is that in
order to keep or gain health, we must not only know the proper fuel
to put in our bodies but we must also have an understanding of how
our body works. We need to know the answers of questions like: How
much fuel does my body need? or
how long does it take for the
fuel to be used up?
 Pure Air – Where was man put after
he was created? “And
the LORD God planted a garden eastward in Eden; and there he put the
man whom he had formed”
God put Adam in the garden of Eden, in the
beauty of God’s creation. This was the environment
intelligently designed to meet man’s needs physically,
mentally, and spiritually. In examining the home which God created
for man we will see his wisdom in providing for all of man’s
needs and there we can find many of the laws of health to keep man
healthy and happy. We can be sure that in this garden the purest air
ever filled its atmosphere. How does pure air benefit us? All our
body parts need oxygen to be able to develop and grow properly. Pure,
unpolluted air has the greatest percentage of oxygen. Oxygen cleanses
the blood from wastes that result in processes, like exercise, or
just the simple functions needed to be alive. We can go without food
and water for a lot longer than we can without oxygen. This is why
proper posture, and proper clothing, so that the lungs can breathe
deeply, is important in keeping the body oxygenated and healthy.
Sunshine –
God created the sun on day four (Genesis 1:16),
and so we know that the home which he designed for man was meant to
have plenty of sunshine, which would be available to man. How does
sunshine benefit us? Science has recently found that Vitamin D plays
a major role in the body – it affects the bones, the immune
system and many other functions. Vitamin D is made in the body when
sunshine makes contact with the skin. Sunshine is a purifier –
it kills bacteria and fungus. Sun bathing has been observed to help
regulate blood sugar, and high blood pressure.
Exercise – The home that God gave
Adam required his time and energies. What was the work that God gave
to Adam? “And
the LORD God took the man, and put him into the garden of Eden to
it and to keep it”
The work that God gave man involved good
physical labor and he was to do it every day of the week, except on
the 7th day, or the Sabbath. So here we find the principle
of exercise and how often we ought to do it. The benefits of exercise
are evident and could certainly take a long time to enumerate but we
can mention a few: It strengthens every single part of our body,
including our bones and therefore it prevents osteoporosis. Our
brains are also strengthened! It increases the capacity of our lungs
to breath in air. It keeps our joints lubricated and mobile, and it
keeps us young!
Rest – In Genesis 2:1-3 we
read about the Sabbath institution, which was not established because
God was tired, or because Adam and Eve were to be tired in the same
way that we get weary, but it nevertheless shows us the principle of
rest, both in spiritual and physical matters. When I mean spiritual,
I am referring to the mind, our thoughts. We know that as God ceased
from his works so are we to cease from our work.
Before sin Adam had no need for sleep, but after sin
this all changed, as we are all well aware. The body needs
appropriate sleep every night to heal and restore. Not getting proper
sleep will injure the whole system. The brain, which is the
communication center of the body, is affected the most.
The hours of sleep before midnight are the most
beneficial. One hour of sleep before midnight equals to 2 hours of
sleep after midnight. Meaning that the quality of rest before
midnight hours are double than the hours after midnight.
Certain hormones in the body are
not produced when proper rest in the right hours are not maintained
… To be continued.
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Fellowships is
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Seventh Day Home Church
P.O. Box 262, Laconia, NH 03246, U.S.A.
Phone: 530 708-2381
Chief Editor: David Sims
Assistant Editor: Thomas Akens
Proof-reader: Alice Fredrick
Layout: Thomas Akens