June 2014 | A Publication of Seventh Day Home Church Fellowships | Vol 05 - Issue 03 |
![]() Our Seventh Day Adventist CallingI RECENTLY read an email calling for unity which stated that, “We are not called to be Adventists, but Christians!” The author’s point was that Christ, not the Adventist faith, is the foundation of our faith, and the source of our unity. Though it sounds sanctimonious, it is wrong. It implies or supposes a disharmony where none exists. Those who promote the idea that holding to the Seventh Day Adventist faith is not compatible with Christianity do not understand the true Seventh-day Adventist faith. I have received many emails expressing similar sentiments and calling for unity on Christ alone, or the Father and the Son, and leave aside our God-given Seventh-day Adventist heritage. A Christian is “one who professes belief in the teachings of Jesus Christ” (Merriam Webster), “A real disciple of Christ; one who believes in the truth of the Christian religion, and studies to follow the example, and obey the precepts, of Christ; a believer in Christ who is characterized by real piety” (Noah Webster 1828). Let it be clear, the Seventh-day Adventist faith is more than simply professing belief in the teachings of Christ, more than following Christ’s example and precepts, more than some vague or nebulous calling to be “in Christ.” The Seventh-day Adventist faith calls one to not only follow the Christ who was upon earth 2000 years ago, but it imparts an intelligent understanding of the types and prophecies revealing Christ’s present work and location, and thus leads its adherents to follow Him by faith to where He is now, in the Most Holy Place of the heavenly sanctuary, and to understand His work of atonement there for them, for only then can they receive the indwelling of Christ in third person, i.e., in spirit. It is only the Seventh-day Adventist faith which can impart true unity, for it is the only faith which takes its adherents by faith into the place where Christ is to be found today. The Seventh-day Adventist faith reveals the work of judgment in which Christ is now engaged and our responsibilities toward God in light of his investigation of our lives, based upon God’s moral code of the Ten Commandments. Let none be mistaken. To receive the Seventh-day Adventist faith is to be a Christian, but not merely a Christian. It is a calling to be numbered among those 144,000 Christians who “follow the lamb whithersoever he goeth” (Revelation 14:4), of whom it is said: “... here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus” (Revelation 14:12). In order to secure unity, the spirit of Christ will not lead us away from Christ. To retreat from the Seventh-day Adventist faith to that of being merely “Christian,” is to leave Christ. It is only the Seventh-day Adventist faith that reveals where he is to be found. True unity in this anti-typical day of atonement can only be obtained upon the foundation of the Seventh-day Adventist faith. |
Our Ever Present Danger - Part 1 Do you remember the "way" and the "teachings", the Seventh Day Adventist People and their leaders were admonished not to forget? This article may be the reminder you need. The Devils' Door - Concluded What doctrine was at the heart of the great Protestant persecution of the 17th century? Find out in the conclusion to “The Devils’ Door. There you will find the answer, and the peculiar people whose bold stance against Papal errors excited the hatred of both the Papacy and of Protestants alike, and cost many of them their lives. Health Corner - Other Benefits of Exercise Find out how one of God's simple remedies can improve your cognitive processes; a remedy that has been shown to be more effective than drugs in overcoming depression, and with longer lasting effects. Taking Care With Context Find out why this element of Bible Study, is key to a proper understanding of the Scriptures. Mission Report - Philippines Read an update on Melody, the blind girl, and encouraging news of what God is doing in the Philippines! Faith & Works - Part 1 Are we saved by faith or works? In part one of this two part series, Sister Ellen White shares the answer to this all important question, and the answer may come as a surprise to you. Think on These Things - Our Seventh Day Adventist Calling Are we Christians or Seventh Day Adventists? Join Pastor David Sims, as he shares his thoughts on this pertinent question, and the issues surrounding it. Recipe Sister Christy Whitehurst shares one of her best raw hummus recipes with us! Seventh Day Home Church Fellowships is an association of Sabbath-keeping groups, which through web & tele-conferencing provides means for study, fellowship, and jointly organized missionary projects. Website: www.seventhdayhomechurchfellowships.orgEmail: admin@seventhdayhomechurchfellowships.orgSeventh Day Home Church Fellowships: P.O. Box 262, Laconia, NH 03246, U.S.A. Phone: 530 708-2381Chief Editor: David SimsAssistant Editor: Thomas AkensProof-reader: Alice FredrickLayout: Thomas Akens |