June 2013 | A Publication of Seventh Day Home Church Fellowships | Vol 04 - Issue 02 |
Missionary Work in Uraguay & Brazil![]() ![]() Sister Julienne Alberto reports on her husband Elvis’ missionary trip to Uruguay and Brazil (written on 04/03/2013):Elvis and brother Jaime are on the road almost everyday, giving Bible studies, and attending meetings with the brethren. They all request of Elvis, “please visit us in our homes.” They are very humble and eager to learn more of our Lord Jesus Christ. Brethren in Uruguay as well as Brazil desire a school to be establish in their region. Elvis has also been teaching the basics in hydrotherapy and massage, and about four brethren have already been helped with their health issues. More people were in need of treatments, and there was a need for a massage table, so Elvis decided to build a massage table, and it was immediately put to use after he had finished it. That which has made the deepest impression on my mind in my conversations with my husband is his repeatedly saying, “What a humble spirit these brethren have, and how eager they are to learn more of their Saviour, and how to serve Him better.” They want to learn more, but there is a great lack of materials in Spanish, and of Bible instructors. Not only Bible instructors are needed, but there is need of instructors in every field. Their sincere prayer is for a school of Christ with all its branches of education!
Enough? Have you thought about the fact that aside from our committment to Christ, there is one choice which can bring the greatest happiness into our lives, but is also the most restrictive experience that any human being can voluntarily assume in this world. The Lunar Sabbath - Part 2 Is the 7 day weekly cycle an assumption? Some claim that it is! Gardening - Amending Your Soil Understanding the role of soil ph in your garden. Health Corner - Supplements & Their Sources pt 1 You could be consuming something that you think is healthy, when it could be contributing to disease and even the very problem you are trying to avoid. World Reports Report from Uraguay and Brazil. Seventh Day Home Church Fellowships recently funded the travel of a brother to South America for a missionary visit there. Upcoming Events Find out what events are happening in the near future Think on These Things These two things are often divorced by religionists, but they can not rightly be separated Recipe Raquel's Easy Fat-Free Garbanzo Patties Seventh Day Home Church Fellowships is an association of Sabbath-keeping groups, which through web & tele-conferencing provides means for study, fellowship, and jointly organized missionary projects. Website: www.seventhdayhomechurchfellowships.orgEmail: admin@seventhdayhomechurchfellowships.orgSeventh Day Home Church Fellowships: P.O. Box 33, Lookout, CA 96054, U.S.A. Phone: 530 294-1115Chief Editor: David SimsAssistant Editor: Thomas AkensProof-reader: Ed BishopLayout: Thomas Akens |